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Phil Gives Dolly Parton a Shout-Out & Jase Shares a Dating Strategy | Ep 453
Jase Finally Reveals the Title of His New Show & Phil Tells a Story about Sadie as a Kid | Ep 452
Phil and Jase Share Some of Their Most Bizarre Baptism Stories | Ep 410
Jase and the Bible's Gifted Women & Something Lives Inside Phil's Wall | Ep 454
Jase's Theory of the Lifted Curse & Phil Calls Jase Smart | Ep 458
Jase's Parenting Dangers & Phil Decodes Pink Floyd | Ep 456
Jase Looks at What Heals a Broken Relationship & Phil Explores God's Comfort | Ep 451
Jase Finds Himself on the Cover of a Magazine & How Phil Witnesses to the Spiritually Blind | Ep 457
Phil Asks if All Dogs Go to Heaven & Jase Warns Against Manufactured Spiritual Experiences | Ep 486
Miss Kay Teases Phil That She May Still Be a Baptist Girl & Jase Questions His Old Job | Ep 455
Phil Keeps Getting Away with It & Jase Laughs at People Who Can’t Laugh at Themselves | Ep 468
Phil Is Hunting Rats & Jase Shares His Faith with a Young Man | Ep 450